Saturday, December 7, 2019

Citizenship Amendment Bill - The Fuss Is About Losing Muslim Votes

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The moment the union cabinet approved the draft law seeking to grant citizenship to non-Muslim refugees from Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan, a big controversy erupted after the entire left-liberal cabal rose against it.

Some of them are saying that it is an attempt by Narendra Modi government to establish a de facto Hindu Rashtra and some others are arguing that it is against secularism.

And few others like Congress leader Shashi Tharoor are saying that the proposed bill is unconstitutional and violation of Idea of India.

Achcha ... Tharoor is claiming to be the sole owner of Idea of India.

Purpose For Reintroducing Citizenship Amendment Bill

It is very important to understand the import behind reintroducing the bill in Parliament?

Is it against secularism or violating the India of India? Such queries needs to be answered.

The bill seeks to provide citizenship to the persecuted minorities - Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Parsis, Jains, and Christians - from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, and Pakistan.

The government feels that, the manner in which, the homes and worship places of the minorities living in these Islamic countries, are being destroyed; their daughters kidnapped and married off; restrained from offering prayers and celebrating religious festivals and subjected to forced conversion, should be given refuge in India.

Because, there has been a tremendous growth of Islamic radicalism in these countries in the last ten years, which has resulted in more number of persecutions against minorities.

As many as 408 Hindu temples, out of 428 in Pakistan at the time of Partition, have been turned into toy stores, restaurants, government offices and schools after 1990, says a survey held by All-Pakistan Hindu Rights Movement.

Only 11 temples in Sindh, four in Punjab, three in Balochistan and two in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa are operational in 2019, as per Pakistan government estimates. Abduction of Hindu and Sikh girls is a business in Pakistan.

So, in the face of persecutions, shouldn't India give refuge to minority communities living in Pakistan? Is this not a question of humanity? Should we shut the doors on these helpless people?

Reason For Excluding Muslims

Who are the people opposing the bill? These are the very people who were advocating, giving refuge to Rohingya Muslims in India. But, when the question of giving refuge to Hindus came up, they have dumped humanism as trash.

These also are the same people who are raising doubts on the intention of the government for excluding Muslims from getting shelter in India.

The reason for excluding Muslims, under the provisions of the amendment bill, is - any atrocity committed on Muslims in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangladesh cannot be treated as religious persecution, because these countries are theocratic states.

The left-liberal cabal also are arguing that the exclusion of Muslims is against the Constitution and secularism.

Is secularism bigger than humanism? Have they forgotten the contribution of Pandit Nehru against apartheid in South Africa on humanitarian grounds? Isn't it humanism if the government is giving refuge to Hindus in India?

If they really are champions of secularism, shouldn't they raise the issue of minority persecutions in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangladesh with great vigor to bring these countries to the knees at international fora? How many times, they have raised the issue at United Nations? Almost zero.

In fact, they are wary of their pride.

And, political parties like Congress, TMC, RJD SP, BSP and others, are worried about losing their votebank, if the bill becomes a law, which would derecognise citizenship of illegal immigrants in India.

Jai Hind ...

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